She told me how much they were.
“Still doesn’t matter. Do you have them in his size?”
“From your description, I believe a 36 Average would fit him.”
I didn’t tell her that Mann might be any number of things, but average wasn’t one of them.
She stuffed the first pair back into the drawer and pulled another pair out. “If you’ll come with me?”
I followed her to the corner of the store where the cash register discreetly resided.
“Will this be cash, or would you prefer to put this on your Beau Brummel’s card?”
“Cash.” This wasn’t a purchase I wanted to leave a paper trail on. I reached for my wallet and handed her three hundreds and a fifty.
“I assume you’ll want this gift wrapped?”
“Definitely.” That would really throw Mann off. First, he wouldn’t know who the “gift” was coming from, and second, when he realized it was from me, he wouldn’t know if there was anything more to it than simply replacing a pair of pajamas. He was going to wonder why I’d gone to so much trouble.