Chapter 73

The figure he named had me blinking. I already made much more than enough to cover my living expenses, and since I had no one except myself to spend it on, I had an extremely healthy bank balance, as well as T-bills accumulating interest in another safety deposit box. And in a numbered offshore account was what I liked to call my F.Y. fund, slated for the time when I’d need to make a fast getaway. There was also the tiny island off Costa Rica that I was gradually paying off. Twelve more years, and it would be mine.

“Congratulations, Mark. Not many agents make it to this level. Now, I believe you’ll find that Agent Matheson will be waiting to discuss his change in status in your former office. Good luck and good afternoon.”

He offered me his hand a final time, and I shook it, murmuring thanks, then turned and left his office.

Ms. DiBlasi looked up from her computer screen and gave me a cool smile. “May I be the next to offer you congratulations on your new position, Mr. Vincent?”