“No, sir. We…. During college we fooled around a little, but I swear to you I don’t…I’m not….”
“Look, Matheson. As long as an agent’s sexual orientation doesn’t get me killed, he could hump sheep for all I care.”
He gave a surprised snort of laughter. “That’s a relief to know. But just to set the record straight, my taste doesn’t run to sheep, sir.”
“Good. So what was the story with Shaw?” I waited to see if he would tell me the truth.
“Michael was attracted to power. That was how he got involved with—” He stopped short.
“Yeah?” I cocked an eyebrow at him and started assembling a box.
“Mr. Vincent, let me be frank with you. Rumor had it that Michael was feeding information about you to the CIA. If he did something like that—”
“Then it was true?” He covered his eyes for a minute, shaking his head. “Oh, Michael, you stupid, stupid fool.”
“And yet you say he was your best friend.”