Chapter 88

I had known how deadly Mark Vincent could be, but when he grinned like that it was easy to see how even someone like Jonathan Drum II would be aware of the danger that followed the WBIS agent like a happy puppy. Then his face was concealed as he took another sip.

“Whatever you say, Mark,” I said, making my voice indulgent and caressing. I was rather looking forward to seeing how he did react to “too much” champagne. “Are we going to stand in your kitchen until we finish this bottle?”

“You can join me on the couch and watch some of the swashbuckler marathon with me,” he conceded grudgingly. “But when the champagne is finished, you have to go.”

“Certainly. I wouldn’t want to wear out my welcome.” This time I made no effort to swallow my laughter. We’d finish the champagne, only I’d see to it that a good deal more of it found its way into his glass than into mine. How much would it take to get him drunk, I wondered?