Chapter 89

Mark broke off the kiss, but before I could bring his mouth back to where it belonged, he licked his lips, and did a slow, easy dance with that mouth that ended with my lips under his. He closed his teeth gently over my lower lip.

This—this was what kisses should be like. I shivered under the onslaught and opened my mouth to invite him in.

He ignored my offer. “I’m going to fuck you, Mann,” he whispered. His lips wandered across my cheek to my jaw, then traveled to my ear where his warm breath caused me to actually tremble. My God, what was happening?

And then he bit down on my earlobe. His hands were all over me, my cock, my ass, my nipples—oh God, my nipples—and my control was out the window.

“Like that, baby?” he growled.

I moaned and panted and gasped, and didn’t care a fuck what my reactions were revealing to the man who was the best the CIA’s rival agency had to offer. I needed the physical contact with his skin.