Chapter 128

“Give it up, Mark.” Oddly enough, he wasn’t gloating. “Mother knows you ‘interviewed’ her as Skip Patterson.”

If she did, it was because he’d told her. Big mouth. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Mann.” No matter what information he might have, it wouldn’t mean squat if I didn’t confirm it, and I had no intention of doing such a stupid thing. “Mrs. Mann, it’s nice meeting you. For the first time,” I emphasized.

“Your drink, sir.”

“Thanks.” I handed the bartender a tip and took my drink. “If you’ll excuse me, I see someone I need to speak with.” I snapped my mouth shut, unable to believe I had told him there was someone here I actually knew. Maybe he’d brush it off, let it slide?

Quinn laughed softly. Yeah, and maybe the CIA would finally admit that anything they did, we could do better. In other words, in my dreams.

“Just you wait, Mann,” I muttered under my breath and started to stalk away.