Mrs. Mann.
He touched her shoulder, and she turned, a smile on her face.
Shit. Here I’d thought she was smart, but if she enjoyed Wexler’s company….
The smile left her face, to be replaced by cool contempt.
I was close enough to see the flash of irritation in the senator’s eyes. It vanished quickly, replaced by jovial affection, and he began to talk to her.
I didn’t see Quinn around, so I drifted closer, intent on overhearing their conversation, and stepping in to help if she needed it.
Before I reached her, however, Quinn appeared. How’d he get there so fast? And damn, his presence was going to spoil my fun.
“Senator Wexler, you know my son, Quinton, I believe? He’s assistant to the undersecretary at State.”
“How do you do, Senator?”
“Son.” Quinn’s mouth tightened, but I didn’t think the Senator noticed it. “I was just telling Portia here that she doesn’t look old enough to have a son working for the government.”
Jesus, could he lay it on any thicker?