Chapter 59

* * * *

It was almost time to call it a day when my office phone rang. “Yeah?”

“Mr. Wallace wants you to meet him in the parking lot.” Ms. DiBlasi hung up before Icould ask what this was about.

My own secretary had left for the day. I shut down my computer, grabbed my suit jacket, and locked my office.

The big black sedan that was The Boss’s was idling by the rear entrance. His driver got out, jogged around to the passenger side, and opened the door.

“Get in, Mark,” The Boss ordered.

I slid in next to him and waited for him to tell me what was going on.

“I’ve spoken to the families of Stanley’s men.”


He looked out the window. “Mrs. Browne said, ‘Good riddance to bad rubbish’.”

I knew Browne wasn’t married, so The Boss had to mean Browne’s mother. Shit.

“We’re going to notify Josephson’s grandfather.”

“Why am I going with you, sir?”

“Because I’m asking you to, Mark.”

Oh, fuck. “I’m not really a people person, sir.”