Chapter 60

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I tapped my pen against my desk. It sounded a little like “Do Nothing till You Hear from Me”. Well, I hadn’t heard anything from Stanley, and I was losing patience. Maybe I’d hack into his computer and see what was—

Matheson strode into my office without waiting for Ms. Parker to inform me of his arrival.

A quick look at my watch showed me it was a little after 8:00 a.m. Well, no wonder she hadn’t stopped him. She wasn’t due in for another twenty minutes.

“I’m sorry to disturb you, sir, but I think you should take a look at this.” He extended a floppy disk to me, holding it so as to avoid leaving fingerprints. He radiated tension, but he was learning. The only reason I knew that he was tense was because I was looking for it, and I could see it in the faint lines that bracketed hismouth and tightened the skin over his cheekbones.

I took the disk from him and slid it into the slot in my computer. A menu popped up. “All right, what am I looking for?”