“Come here.” Rudy beckoned. Terry didn’t need a second hint. He stretched out, using Rudy’s chest as a pillow. Rudy ran one hand through Terry’s hair, chuckling. “This is going to be shoulder-length pretty soon.”
“Then I’ll tie it back. I like it this way even if it is a pain in the butt sometimes. Besides, the longer it is, the less I look like what the bastard remembers.”
“You’ve been gone for almost a month, or maybe more. I doubt he’s still looking for you, if he ever was.”
Terry turned his head to look at him. “I am not taking any chances! If he finds me, he finds Kel and that is nothappening. Kel’s still a minor. He could drag him back home and God knows how he’d treat him.”
“I understand.” Rudy continued toying with Terry’s hair. “You could shave it off. That would definitely be different.”