
Chapter 34

“You can have this space for your canned goods and what have you,” he told them, opening a narrow cupboard along one wall. “If you buy anything that needs to be refrigerated, the ladies said to put it in this.” He pointed to a wire basket that was sitting on the counter. “They promised,” he chuckled, “not to touch your food if you don’t touch the church’s. You know where the restrooms are. I’m sorry they don’t have bathing facilities but I suspect all of you are experts at washing up at a sink.”

“Big time,” Rudy agreed with a grin. “And when we do want to shower we can hit up one of the drop-in places.”

Tom nodded. “Speaking of which, I found one where you can work on getting your GED and it won’t cost you a cent.”

“For real?”

“Yes, Rudy, for real. I did ask about the chances that Josie and Snap could too but they’re not old enough yet to take the test.”

“Okay. But that doesn’t mean they can’t study for it, does it?”