Chapter 16

“Smartass kid.”

Keir just laughed as he got into the car, since they were at it by then. Fifteen minutes later they got out in a darkened corner of the motel lot. Keir scurried to the motel’s service entrance while Teague walked around to the front, went in and up to his room. He wasn’t terribly surprised to find Keir was already inside.

“Snagged my other keycard when I wasn’t looking?” Teague asked.

“Well duh. You left it sitting on the dresser.”

Teague shrugged. “It was for you anyway. Go get changed, and then I’ll drop you off at the park.”

Keir did. When he came out of the bathroom he was a whole new person—visually. His medium-length brown hair looked as if it could use a good combing, his jeans had definitely seen better days, and the dark gray hoodie he was wearing was faded in spots, with holes at the elbows. Even his tennis shoes were far from pristine. “Ta da,” he said, spinning around.

“Looks good to me.”