Chapter 17

Once he’d settled in, he called Keir. It took the young man so long to answer Teague began to worry. Relieved when Keir did, Teague said, “I hope you have your phone on vibrate.”

“Well duh. And I didn’t answer until I was sure there wasn’t anyone around.”

“Are you in the park?”

“Yep,” Keir replied. “Hunkered down by a stand of bushes that served as my, you should excuse the expression, bedroom. I gotta tell you, there wasn’t much going on around here, but then, it was a Monday night.”

“Makes sense. I’m at the motel Hoyt suggested, if you want to come by and catch some real sleep.” He told Keir how to get to it from the park when the young man said that sounded good to him.

After they hung up, Teague called Hoyt. The detective answered on the first ring, asking right off the bat if everything was all right.

“It is. I got a room at the Cut-Rate, in back. Number 110.”

“Using your name?” Hoyt asked.

“A variation. Don Teagan.”

“That works. What do you look like?”