Chapter 54

Covering Teague’s hand with his own, Hoyt replied, “I want you in my life, as cliché as that sounds. If that means we only see each other on holidays or when one of us takes a vacation, I guess I can deal with that.”

“Don’t like my idea of getting my license and flying out here every weekend?” Teague asked with a small grin.

“Like you said, you could get tired of that real fast. Besides, it’s not fair to you, putting the burden on your shoulders. But to be honest, there’s no way I can afford to fly out to see you every other weekend.” Hoyt smiled wryly. “Maybe I could learn to like city living. That would solve one problem.”

“Only one?” Teague asked, turning his hand to weave his fingers with Hoyt’s.

“We still don’t know how real this is. This feeling between us.”

Teague nodded. “We know what we feel now. The question is, will it last? A month from now will we still feel the same?”