Chapter 55

“Always have been, always will be,” Hoyt retorted with a grin, although mentally he recoiled a little when Teague confirmed the cost of the flight.

After handing back Hoyt’s card, Teague said, “Now what?”

For a second Hoyt was afraid his dismay at paying for his ticket had shown on his face. But one look at Teague’s expectant smile let him know that wasn’t what he was asking. “I don’t know, Brain, what do you want to do?”

“It’s really—” Teague grinned wickedly, “—what are we going to do tonight?’ to which I, as the Brain would respond, ‘The same thing we do every night, Pinky. Try to take over the world’.”

“Not sure I want to be boss of the world.”

“Even your own world?”

“Now that’s a different thing altogether. Even then however, I’d rather share ruling it.”

Teague cocked his head. “With anyone specific?”

“Possibly. That’s yet to be decided. And it has to be a mutual decision.”