Chapter 17

After Khata’na, Micha visited two more towns. Micha checked the stores of grain, showing the seal of Yusuf and Pharaoh as authority to do so. At each stop, Eli replenished their food and water rations.

It was at Tanis that Misha had difficulty in checking the grain. They arrived in the morning and the granary master was ill. He went to one granary and the helpers there could not give him an accurate count. Eli and Micha physically climbed into the granary structure to calculate the cubic yards of grain it contained.

“The chaff process here seems interrupted,” Eli said. “They’ve not maintained the sweeping process. How are they up on the creation of mudbricks?”

“The granary master has been ill for several days, I’m told.”

“But I see the farmers continue to thresh. Perhaps they weren’t expecting anyone to account the amount of emmer.”