I will die now. I cannot live without him.
He had one favor to call upon and he knew that this call could not be ignored.
Rocking back and forth with Micha in his arms, he shouted in Amorite. “Uriel! Uriel! Hear me. I ask that you remember the promise you made!” He heard no response, so he repeated it again. “Uriel! Don’t ignore me. I know you hear me. You promised me that at the right time I can call upon you. This is a promise you swore to me for helping Yusuf.”
A flash of light appeared and the room froze in a grey blue hue. “Why have you summoned Uriel?”
Eli’s anger rose. Death cheated him again of love and here a watcher was sent instead of Uriel himself appearing.
“I have no patience with a shadow, with some formless aura. Uriel has promised me that whenever I call him, he will answer.”
“Uriel remembers his promise and his promise is that he will appear with the flame sword when you call his name. Is this what you are asking?”