Chapter 36

“Well, once we reunited with our regiment and the battle was over, I kind of went crazy. Frank started hanging around another gentleman.” Gregory gulped down a big drink of his coffee.

“What changed?”

“I couldn’t stand seeing him with anyone else,” Gregory said, smiling over his cup. “Once I worked through my issues and knew that I loved him, I begged him to take me back.”

“Well, I’m glad he did,” Sarah said. “We might not have met you if he hadn’t.”

“Well, it took some convincing, but here we are.”

“But what changed for you, Mr. Young?”

“I have an uncle who lives in Chicago,” Gregory said, “He lives with another man. I visited them a couple of summers when I was younger, before I was old enough to help out on the farm. I hadn’t thought about him in a long time, but my ma wrote about getting a letter from him. I wrote to him about the situation, and he wrote me back. He helped me through it.”

“And why Kansas?” Sarah asked. “Why did you choose here?”