The five Indian horsemen appeared from the west..
“Frankie, we got company,” Gregory said.
Frank didn’t look up from digging, “Who is it? Nordhuff or McAvoy? You know we should have…” His words trailed off when he saw mounted Indians. They looked like the same five they had run into the previous spring.
The small band of Osage came to a stop well before meeting up with Frank and Gregory. The leader dismounted from his horse and gave the reins to the closest warrior. He said something to the group. They nodded in agreement and remained behind as he approached.
Frank and Gregory stopped digging the grave and watched the Indian. Instead of reaching for their guns, they were mesmerized.
* * * *
About halfway between where his group stayed and where the two white men stood at the top of the hill, Austenaco topped and waited for them to respond. When he felt secure that they were not going to pull their weapons on him, he resumed his walk.