“Come with me to Kansas, Chad. Come with me and I’ll make a real cowboy outta ya.”
The invitation caught Chad by surprise. It echoed the one Bo had given him the night before Colonel Cody’s show left Chad’s town. It hadn’t occurred to him that Leon would want something more to come of their time together just as Bo had. The confusion of his sleepless night returned and was now amplified.
“I don’t know. I’d really like that, but—”
“But you need to find your friend. I understand.” Leon smiled, a hint of sadness discernable in that smile. “Okay. Come on. Let’s get us some breakfast and then we’ll find out where that Wild West Show has got itself off to and get you on your way.”
Later that day the two men sat on their horses at the edge of town.
“Good luck to ya,” Leon said. “I hope ya find what you’re lookin’ for.”
“Thank you, Leon.”
Chad wanted to say more but didn’t know what. His mind was a jumble of thoughts and emotions