Chapter 2

Whenever I read reviews after the fact, the comments always mentioned how much they loved the workout, and how good it was to feel the burn. I could do these classes with my eyes closed, but it certainly wasn’t the same as an actual bike ride around the city, or a fifty-mile competition with a group of speedsters.

As I walked back to the locker room to clean up a bit after the class ended, someone called out to me.

“Hey, Kenny! Wait up.”

I stopped and turned to see a guy I’d glimpsed at the back of the room during the spin session. He was as sweaty as I was, maybe about my age, with a receding hairline he kept up with by sporting a closely shaved head. He wasn’t conventionally handsome, but he had a nice, friendly face. When he smiled, it lit up his gray eyes, making them sparkle. He was as slender as I was, with a compact, fit frame that was pleasing. We were even the same height.

“Hey, man.” I wiped my sweaty face with a towel as I waited for him to continue.

“Sorry to bother you.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “I just wanted to say your class is hardcore. I love it! Actually, I’ve loved each and every one that I’ve taken. You’re the reason I keep coming back.” He grinned sheepishly. “I sound like an addict, don’t I?” His blush was cute.

“No, it’s okay,” I replied. “I appreciate the comment. I try hard to make the workout a good one every time. You should get what you paid for, right?” I smiled at him, then turned to continue walking to the locker room. I heard his footsteps behind me.

“Oh, it’s definitely that,” he said. “I’ve told my friends about you, and I’m sure more people will be joining up.”

We walked into the room together. He went get some things out of his locker, while I wandered over to one of the sinks across the way.

“I’m glad,” I said and washed my face. I removed my T-shirt and wiped down my chest. I went through a lot of shirts in a week. My closet was full of them.

I caught the guy’s eye briefly when I glanced up at my reflection, but he looked away, quickly grabbing his stuff and heading to the showers without another word. I shrugged and went to change into another shirt before heading out to grab some Gatorade from the glass case behind the reception desk. It was just for employees. Patrons of the gym could pay for beverages out of the soda machine near the locker rooms.

I had ten minutes before I needed to take my position at the desk for a couple of hours until my next spin class came around. I chewed on an apple, banana, and a couple granola bars before, sitting on a chair in the lobby area near the front door. While sipping my power drink, I checked messages on my phone. Dad was in Hawaii with his fourth wife, and he’d sent me pictures of my new stepmom. She was actually close to his age, this time, which was different from the previous two who’d been as old as I am now when they’d married.

Shaking my head, I replied to his text that he looked happy and wished him well. I only saw him once a year and that was at Christmas. It tended to be a boisterous affair, with the kids from his previous marriages, as well as the ex-wives and his new one around a big table.

No matter his faults, everyone loved my dad, including me. No one could stay mad at him for long, which was why even his ex-wives still treated him like a good friend.

Someone sat beside me, and I looked up to see Damien next to me.

“Good class?” he asked as he checked his own cell phone.


We sat in companionable silence, both focused on our messages, when I heard a male voice say, “See you next time, Kenny.” I turned my head to see who addressed me and saw the guy from my class already walking out the door before I could respond.

“You spook him, or something?” Damien asked, watching the man’s rapid retreat through the glass.

“I don’t think so. He was just talking in the locker room about how much he loved the class. Then I caught him staring at me briefly in the mirror while I was changing.” I shrugged and went back to my phone.

“Oh, Iget it. He likes you, but you intimidate him,” Damien replied, typing words on his keypad.

I furrowed my brow. “Say what now? I’m the least intimidating person on the planet.” Hello, I was five-feet-nine inches and one hundred and sixty pounds dripping wet.