Chapter 32

He stifled a sigh at the memories of Saturday night that wouldn’t leave him alone. He’d been excited for the day to start and possibly bumping into James since he hadn’t heard from him since Saturday. But as the day progressed, a dark cloud had descended on him at the missed connections and even outright dismissal from James. He wasn’t used to this hot and cold treatment and hated that he even had to deal with this juvenility. Even though James had given him a warning, of sorts, he supposed he wasn’t used to the closet. He was never ashamed about who he is or had to worry about those around him reacting poorly to it. He got it though, he did. It was still just weird being on the receiving end of such differences in personality.

“I’m looking forward to reading it.”

The familiar voice washed over him and he and Martin turned around before James again assaulted his senses. Martin tensed next to him and Matt was already over everything.