Chapter 33

“Because you were afraid of being associated with me? Martin’s straight and he doesn’t care.”

“But I’m not.” James kept his eyes on the road.

Matt sighed. “I’m not going to lie.” He gripped his backpack as James turned into his street. “It’s not easy courting the affections of a closeted guy.”

James cut the ignition in Matt’s driveway.

“And enough with the hot and cold treatment, you know?”

James nodded but didn’t meet his eyes. “I’ve never dated anyone before,” James said after a moment. When his eyes met Matt’s again, they were filled with too many emotions.

Matt swallowed audibly and took James’ hand. “You asked me how I can just lay out all out there, when your eyes look directly into me.” He smiled at being able to illicit such a crimson blush from James.