Chapter 58

Brian sighed and went to check his hair again. He refused to admit to himself how much effort he’d put into his entire getup for the evening.

* * * *

Adam was early. Which might work out better than Brian could have expected as it gave them a second alone with his uncle before they had an audience.

“Hey, babe,” Adam greeted him with a quick but heated kiss full on the lips. He stepped aside and closed the door behind him. “I brought some beer.” Adam held up a six-pack of beer and Brian’s chest constricted. This whole night was obviously so out of Adam’s comfort zone, but he looked good in worn jeans and a faded blue shirt covering his chest far too handsomely, and now he held up the beers like a token of some sort, a valuable gift.

“I’ll put it in the fridge.” Brian took the beer and headed to the kitchen. “Come meet my uncle.”