Chapter 76

“I don’t want you going out tonight. Just send Adam a text. Tell him off and forget about him.” Matt lowered his head and tried to catch his brother’s eyes. “Stay with me.”

Brian pulled his hand back and moved his gaze to somewhere near his bedroom door as the flight instinct kicked in. “That’s not gonna be enough this time, Matt. I need to deal with my problems. I won’t be long,” he said. Brian swallowed audibly, walking the small distance to the door and leaning against it. “I need to do this. I have things to say to him.”

“He isn’t worth your time.” Matt was being stubborn, for once not giving in to his brother

“I know he isn’t,” Brian said. He blew air through his teeth and continued staring at the ground. “But I’m not doing this for him. I just…” His brother looked him dead in the eye. “I need to do this for me. Otherwise, it’ll be like I never got closure. Don’t know why, but I let him into my head. And I don’t want him there anymore.”