* * * *
Todd was out of the car almost before Martin brought it to a stop in Ellis’s driveway. “We’re here. Where’s Jive?” Todd called out when Ellis appeared on the front veranda.
Ellis laughed. “I can see who’s important around here.”
“Depends on who you’re talking to,” Martin said, joining him. “For Todd, it’s the dog. For me, it’s you.” He kissed Ellis quickly, getting a wrinkled nose and an ‘Eww’ from Todd before the boy started to take off, having obviously seen Jive through the fence.
“Todd Lovell, stop right there,” Martin ordered. “What did we talk about on the way out here?”
“That I shouldn’t go running around without Ellis’s permission because it’s his house,” Todd replied, rubbing the toe of his shoe on the grass. “Ellis, can I go back and see Jive? Please?”
“Of course. Come on.” Ellis led the way into the backyard through the side gate in the wrought iron fence. Jive dashed over, coming to a halt when Ellis snapped his fingers.