Speaking of Maxi…he grinned, scrolling through his contacts, and sent a quick text once he’d checked. Haha Maxi your plan failed! He could afford to do it. Between classes was boring: the training rooms were off-limits due to, well, the class (duh…) and there was nobody in the lobby because, well, they were in the class (see previous parentheses). To top it off, that afternoon was the advanced class, which meant no lost newbies, friends dragged along to watch, or, really, anyone who’d not been coming to the same place for at least two years and therefore knew exactly where everything was.
Ergo, Tab wasn’t needed. Ergo, he was going to spend the next twenty minutes or so taunting Maxi.
What plan?
Your plan to slip your bro’s number into my phone :) I checked, no new contacts under suspiciously bland names!
Yeah? Check the number u have under ‘maxi’ ;) this is her ‘bro’, mate!