“And if you can’t work up the nerve to even get a photo of this guy…”
Maxi rolled her eyes. “Whatever. How’re you going to ask him if you can draw him?”
Tab shrugged, flushing. He’d meant to get a photo the other day. He’d taken a camera with him and everything. But then not only had Nick arrived with one of the other boxers, some pretty blonde girl had shown up towards the end of the class and waited for him. They’d hugged, and Tab had had a visitation from the God of Unwarranted, Unfair, and Unnecessary Violence. (He’d want to stab her in the face.) At least they hadn’t kissed
Stupid Nick. Stupid, straight, heterosexual, zero-on-the-Kinsey-scale, girl-hugging, skirt-chasing, hot as hell Nick.
“I’ll get round to it,” he mumbled.
“Uh-huh,” Maxi said sceptically. “I’m just saying, you know, I am totally happy to ask him for you.”