“Look,” Maxi said, as they reached the crossroads where he went right to the gym, and she went left and walked down the canal path towards home. “Come out tonight. At least meet Demi before you write him off. You’ve said yourself you’re not going to actually ask this guy at the gym out, so…why not ask Demi out instead and forget about the other guy?”
Tab chewed on the edge of his lip. She had a point, loathe as he was to admit it. Aunt JuliKate had had a point, loathe as he was to admit that. Nick was blatantly straight, and even if he wasn’t, he wouldn’t fancy Tab. He’d go for some similarly gorgeous, glass-cheekboned killing machine. As it was, Nick would have some dancer girlfriend lurking somewhere. That blonde girl who’d met him from the gym a while ago, she was probably a model or a dancer or a…a…dancer who modelled at the same time.
Tab sighed, and caved. “Fine,” he said. “But just a couple of games. And it’s not a date.”