Chapter 24

Did Nick have any brothers and sisters?

Here u go, Tabby! :)

Tab loaded the picture—and laughed, then scowled, then replied, NOT WHAT I MEANT!

It was a photo of a photo, and grainy photo at that. A school photo, of sixty or more teenagers in blue-and-yellow blazers. Tab recognised the blazers from old pictures of Maxi and her mates. The comprehensive on Grange Street. And all the faces too tiny to be picked out, and the name-plate at the bottom obscured.

Cheat! he insisted.

You didn’t specify, genius ;) I’m in there! Third on the left, second row.

Tab squinted at the specified face, but it was just a pale smudge in rows upon rows of blue and yellow. Stupid Demi. He was white. Well that was helpful. Given that, oh, his twin sister was white, Tab had kind of guessed that

Cheat cheat cheat.

:( I never cheated on you!


:’( Are u braking up with me?!?!