I did not, Tab denied, even as he knew he had. He felt himself flushing, even though Demi couldn’t see him.
U did. Xxx. Like that. Xxx
And now u just sent me 6 kisses so whose flirting now???
Grammar kink?
Totes ;) Demi replied, and Tab flushed. Bet u’ve got looooads of kinks.
Couldn’t possibly comment, Tab parroted.
Well-played, good sir. But 4 srs, bet u do. BET. U. DO.
I wouldn’t know, I’m not a whore like u and Maxi ;)
Oooh, burn, Demi taunted. U’d love to explore my kinks.
Tab flushed again, but…differently. Not so intensely. And he felt weirdly…uncomfortable and not. Like Demi had said something embarrassing but…
But, the God of Horribly Honest Truths—who was Tab’s long-term sponsor—murmured, not untrue.
Depends what they are, Tab said boldly.
Wahey ;) U’ll have to find out.
Well gimme some hints, Tab demanded.
Bossy ;) Can’t say I mind a bit of ordering about x
Hence reserves and your hot sarge?