Chapter 16

Leslie walked to the remains of a stone wall and touched it. “I remember this. Least I think I do. The wall.” He peered over the top and into an alleyway. “But what’s behind here, or I should say what’s left of what’s behind here, is new to me. The buildings must have had quite a bit of damage in the recent V-1 explosion. But this wall…yes, it was here.”

A sunny afternoon. Boys dressed in ragged shirts and short pants. Some bent over, their hands in the dirt, making small mounds around the seedlings. Others standing by, holding watering cans while a woman known as Dot supervises their activity. On the wall, written in large white letters the words: Orphans Garden.

Leslie took a step back and lost his footing. He faltered, almost fell, but Edward caught him in time.

“Easy. You all right?”

Leslie started for the back door.