Outside, hunkered against the hard rain, they run to the shelter of a nearby tree. Beneath the naked limbs, Eddie confesses, “I didn’t know when it would be the right time to tell you.”
Josh slides up next to him. Pecks his cheek. “I don’t mind watching Fletcher for a few days.”
A glimmer of light awakens in his eyes.
Josh asks, “What’s her name? Your sister.”
“Shelly,” he yells over the hum of engines in the lot.
“Nice name.” He thinks the comment sounds ridiculous, and that he is trying too hard to be polite.
But when Eddie holds him in his arms, longer than usual, the moment is lost on both guys. Josh feels Eddie gripping him too hard, but it feels right somehow.
Eddie reaches behind Josh’s head and pulls him into one final kiss before they head back to the apartment.
* * * *