Chapter 16

“I’ll help you cook,” she told Nikoloz. “I’d love to learn to make Russian pancakes.”

Dr. Yarborough, caught in mid-sip, choked on his coffee. Vincent slapped the man on the back until he stopped coughing. “If you’re going to play host to all of us,” Vincent said, “Nikoloz and I should go grocery shopping. Make a list of what you and the kids like, and we’ll head into town and load up your larder.”

“I can go with you,” Margaret said with a sidelong glance at Nikoloz. “We can make sure there’s some healthy food in with the junk they usually eat.”

“If it is all right with your father,” Nikoloz said. “See how the batter is bubbling now? It is ready to cook. Try to disturb it as little as possible when you scoop out a spoonful.”

Margaret gave him a brilliant smile, which Vincent wasn’t certain the Russian noticed as he made sure the pancakes didn’t burn. Dr. Yarborough wrote out a grocery order and tried to include some cash, but Vincent nixed that idea.