Chapter 29

She took the straw Ritt offered and bent over to sniff up the first line.

The minute she did, she knew it wasn’t just coke. There was no freeze in her throat and the taste was more acidic.

“What the hell is this cut with?” she asked.

Ritt bent down to sniff up two more. “A little crystal,” he answered.

“Whoa,” she shook her head “I’ve never had it before.” Meth? Fuck. Now I have to be very careful what I say or do.

“Do another line,” Ritt said, handing her the straw.

“No. Not yet,” she said. “Let me see what this does first. I get too high sometimes.”

“Too high?” Ritt interrupted. “No such thing.”

“I do strange stuff when I’m high,” Cam replied, shaking her head. She could feel her heart beating faster already.

“Like kiss Ruth’s women?” he asked.

Cam shook her head. “Stranger.”

“Rest back and let it work,” Dave told her. “Have something to eat. That will help.”