Chapter 36

“Don’t you dare say that!” Lori gasped. “Kevin starts kindergarten next year. That will be even worse.”

“You’re getting old, Sis,” Cam told her.

“I’ll always be four years younger than you,” Lori reminded her.

“Then I guess I’m getting old, too.” 14

Present time…

Cam had sat in the bushes for about an hour. It was damp, but, thank God, there hadn’t been any rain today, so it wasn’t wet-wet…but she was starting to feel the moisture. The temperature had fallen some, but it was still hot and humid.

She’d watched until all the police cars had left and she had given them about ten minutes to make sure. The parking lot was very quiet; only the average traveler stopping for gas or a cup of coffee. It was barely past the dinner hour.

As she rose slowly, she checked her jeans. Her ass didn’t feel wet, but it was cold. So were her hands…but not as cold as thatnight. Maybe it was solely the nervousness of waiting. She took off the beige shirt.