Chapter 45

“Lucky to walk into that bathroom when a woman who hated me had a knife in her hand?”

“Lucky, or planned?”

“Oh, that’s right; I paid someone to knife me,” she responded sarcastically. “What was I thinking? I had to kill her so she wouldn’t tell anyone.”

“Joke about it if you want, Cam. Ruth thinks it’s suspicious.”

“Ruth thinks it’s suspicious? Well, this is one of those times she’s wrong.”

“Even Blake suspected it.”

“Then why am I here now? There’s $750,000 in that bag, I could have been out of the country by now.”

“Then explain…” he looked at a paper he had in his shirt pocket, “Paul Tarelli.”

“Pauly? He’s my best friend. He was my roommate for a while. We graduated from the police academy together. He even warned us about an inspection that was going to go down around Christmas time.”

“But he’s a policeman.”

“He’s also my best friend. There isn’t anything we wouldn’t do for each other.”

“Like lie?”