Chapter 66

He tried to wash away the desperation on his face with cold water. After he put the towel back on the bar, he still saw the same sad man staring back at him in the mirror. Ironic that they’d gathered to celebrate a happy occasion. He ached everywhere, the sorrow of finality greater than even after his parents died.

Garrett was right, he’d muddled things up from the start. He had to prove to Garrett he meant business. Not just so they could stand each other, but so that they could stand together.

When he told Garrett he knew about his looking at property, something changed in Garrett’s eyes that gave him hope that maybe he could mend things once and for all.

He should have followed Garrett’s lead and broken up with Mary Ellen after their Provincetown trip. If he could convince Garrett to leave with him after the wedding, there’d not only be the girls but also Allen and Elsie affected by their actions.