Chapter 54

After several hours, Elissa finally joined him. “My lord?” she asked as she cautiously opened the bedroom door.

Loren stood by the stone fireplace, staring into the red-orange flames. “Don’t fear me,” he muttered without looking at her. “You’re the only one I won’t harm.” He sighed and turned to her.

Elissa smiled nervously and went to him. Loren met her halfway, slipping his arm around her waist. “Do you really believe Morgan is that important?” she asked him in between his light kisses.

Loren stopped and looked at her. “I believe there’s more to him than anyone realizes, himself included,” he answered. “But I would not have such talk right now.”

Elissa wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. “Oh, I would agree, my lord.”

“Shall we—”