Chapter 12

6: A Million Little Emotional Cuts

They decided to spend the day together, sharing a morning walk in Ausbreck Park, hidden in the woods. They talked about Nolan’s previous job at the office supply company. “I have tenants now and don’t really feel like working. I know I’m not going to be rich, but I never really wanted to be.”

Side by side they walked through the park, which seeped with morning humidity. Their flesh was sticky and the air was thick, which left it slightly difficult to breathe. Both were hidden among the Erie trees—sycamores, birch, willows, and walnut. The shade barely blocked the heat of the sun out. Noontime approached and the temperature increased by the passing seconds.

“How hot are you in the gloves and hat, Zeb?”

“You get used to it when you’re trying to hide ugly things from the world.”

“You’re not ugly, though. There’s a lot of sexy about you that I enjoy.”

Zeb stopped and reached out to grab Nolan’s right wrist. “May I ask you a personal question?”