Zeb turned a fiery red, fully embarrassed, spun on his feet, and dashed away, through the woods. He became a blur under the canopy of trees, a flash of gloves, long-sleeved shirt, baseball cap, and nothing more. How simply he vanished. How quickly. How unpredictably. How rudely.
Nolan didn’t see him for the rest of the afternoon, until evening, when Zeb asked him into his private bedroom.
7: In His Bedroom
No, Nolan was not going to enter the young man’s room again. Too many lines between tenant and landlord had already been crossed. Plus, he felt deceived by Zeb, now realizing that the young man had riffled through his personal items inside his bedroom and discovered facts and details about Peter. Peter wasn’t to be shared with anyone. Peter was hislost lover, scar, and pain. How dare Zeb inquire about Nolan’s past with Peter. How could Zeb have been so careless? Why did he really give a shit about Peter, anyway? And why was he so concerned about Nolan’s scar tissue?