“To knowledge and to expanding our perceptions.”
They clinked their glasses together and Alexander took his first sip of Sufurja. He swallowed it down and what at first had tasted like peppermint methylated spirits ended up having a somewhat toffee-flavoured aftertaste.
“What isthis stuff?” he asked, taking another sip.
“Sufurja,” said Lorenzo, directing Alexander to a leather couch. “It’s from old Europe. Rarer than an honest politician and a good deal more expensive.”
“But what’s in it? How does it do that to my taste buds?”
Lorenzo laughed. “I don’t know. Wormwood, belladonna, peppermint. I don’t think anyone knows how to make it any more. But every now and again a bottle turns up and if you know the right people and have the money, you can bid on it. I have a standing order.”
He paused to sip his drink.
“You know you have the most kissable lips,” said Lorenzo, leaning in towards Alexander.