By the time he got to New York, Alexander was thoroughly exhausted. Sales figures were good and he’d made it onto the New York Times best-sellers list. Not at Number One, but in the top thirty and that was good enough for him. He’d received his first royalty cheque and nearly ejaculated in his trousers when he saw the amount. Regardless, he was eager to continue work on his second book.
It was after he’d completed his final New York engagement, a question and answer session at Barnes and Noble on Fifth Avenue in the West Village, that he met Lorenzo Mastioni, a fiftyish man with a full head of jet-black hair, a widow’s peak, and a smile that was wholly unsettling.
Alexander noticed him waiting in his chair for over an hour after the session had finished, only approaching him after all the other audience members had had their books signed and left.
“My name’s Lorenzo Mastioni,” he said without the offer of a hand to shake or a cheek to kiss.