Chapter 17

“I want to trim your hedges out front and do some other things, if you don’t mind.” He reaches out for my hand to shake, but I don’t present it.

I simply ignore his comment. My mind backtracks to his previous comment regarding Dayton sending him over to my yard. What else am I to do? “What do you mean that Dayton sent you over here to work in my yard?”

Again, he checks me out from head to toe and takes in my fit looks. The stud finally realizes I’m not going to shake his hand and drops his gloved paw. He admits, “Damn, you are one fine looking man.”

“Keep your eyes off me,” I stupidly say, since I stand in the backyard in nothing more than my underwear. “I suggest you finish up here and get on your way.”

He keeps the handsome smile on his rugged looking face and asks, “Can’t you offer a hard working guy a glass of iced water?”