Chapter 24

“Thor, most of these men are like us, pirates not by choice but by the hand of fate: trapped now to live out this life as the alternative is death by hanging if they are ever caught. They have morals and scruples just as we do. They welcome the opportunity to serve under a man who shares their views.”

The new captain of The Dragonlooked back on the black water. He thought for a long time, then said, “Tomorrow I will throw out the code under which we sailed with Captain Wyvern. I will draw up a new set of ship’s articles for the crew to sign. Cruelty of any kind will not be tolerated aboard The Dragon. Crews of captured ships will be treated with fairness; none will be abused, but instead given the respect they deserve.”

“They will sign, every man jack of them, I am sure,” Iakob said, clapping Thor on the shoulder.

Thor turned and looked into the eyes of the old sailor. He thought once more of the feeling of emptiness that had come upon him following Wyvern’s demise.