“The men already respect you. The execution of your first attack on the Portuguese ship, your fair division of the booty, the evenhandedness with which you dealt with the captured ship’s crew have left no doubt as to your ability as captain. You have accomplished all this without the tattoo.”
“So, you do not think it is necessary?” Thor asked.
Iakob rolled onto his side so he could look at his captain. “Thor? What is troubling you about this?”
Thor leaned on an elbow. “Marking myself with this tattoo as the captain of The Dragonseems to make it so permanent. Somehow I do not feel my destiny is to be captain of this ship for a lifetime.”
“Hmm,” Iakob said and lay back down, pulling Thor to him. “Those that have gone before you had the mark. Their tenure was not all that long.”
“No, it ended in death,” Thor said.