Chapter 20

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The indoor playground was on the sixth level. The entire floor was covered with a thick coating of coarse sand; in some areas, sand had been piled up into blocky structures that resembled our homes, leftovers from when the younger children had been there to play. Now a few other teenagers had the same idea as I did, and huddled together on the carousel or by the slide in an effort to be alone with their Others. Kyer and I were the only unmatched pair on the playground. The swing set was empty, so we headed over there.

The swings hung too low for us to enjoy, so we spent a few moments throwing them high into the air, trying to swing them over the crossbar above. Mine went over first, and I managed to get it to clear a second time before Kyer got his swing over. Then we turned the seats to kink up the chains a bit more, rising the swings off the ground. Finally they seemed high enough, and when we sat down, we pushed off the sandy floor to get some air.