I arched up a little and saw Kyer’s eyes widen, but he didn’t pull back. He watched me come closer, and the tip of his tongue licked out between his lips as if in anticipation. Then he tasted sand and spit it out, right at me, and I flinched and rolled away. “Ew, yuck!”
He laughed as he rolled in the opposite direction. “This sand tastes like feet.”
“How do you know what feet taste like?” I asked, wiping my face with my sleeve.
Before he could answer, I heard the tell-tale click of a screen coming on and turned instinctively to the one mounted on the wall above the door. A Monitor stared impassively down at us, and for a moment I was sure he’d seen the almost-kiss. Kyer wasn’t my Other, nor I his. It was against the Code to engage in intimate physical contact with anyone who wasn’t your Other.
Surely almost kissing someone counted as intimate, didn’t it?