Chapter 57

The light around me had a dull sheen to it I associated with dinnertime, but I wasn’t hungry. I didn’t want to answer any questions my parents might have, and I didn’t want to risk running into Brin, if she heard me open my door and came out to talk. There was only one person I wanted to see at the moment, anyway.


There weren’t a lot of people who walked around the residential area. We had no pets to let out or supervise, and we got our weekly allotment of exercise in the Rec Room. So it was only me on the sidewalk, and after the train whooshed by above me, I was alone completely. I bent over my console as I walked, in case anyone glanced out and saw me—they wouldn’t be able to tell who I was, most likely, or they’d think I was coming home late from class. As I neared Kyer’s house, I sent him a message. Can U come outside?

His response was quick. Outside my door or outside OUT?