??Yes, I have her,?? he said. ??She??s fine. They??re at the house in Cape May??yeah??okay.??
Jay was slipping the phone into his back pocket when I entered the room.
??I can??t believe you did this,?? he said, shaking his head as he sat on the edge of the bed beside Courtney. ??Olivia??s going crazy. It??s a good thing she didn??t call the police on you.??
??I was going to bring Courtney back.??
??When, Brian? After two days? After a week? What, exactly, was your plan???
I ignored the questions and asked Jay how he??d known where to find me.
??I didn??t know. I guessed. When Olivia called and told me what was going on, I asked myself, ??Where would Brian go if he was totally stressed out??? and I figured you??d come here. I know how much you love Cape May. Plus, at this time of the year, the city is practically deserted. It??s a great place to hide out.??